- 29-30.11.2019
29.11.2019 - Winner Show CACIB Budapest, H - judge: Mr.Jussi Limatainen, FI
Tollador's Clifford Redflame - *Tammy* - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB in champion class
Tollador's Amber Sunrise - *Amber* - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS in champion class
♥ Amber became "Hungarian Show Champion - HSCH"
30.11.2019 - MRVE Special CAC Club Show, Budapest, H - judge: Korózs András, H
Tollador's Clifford Redflame - *Tammy* - excellent 1, CAC in open class
Tollador's Coral Redstone - *Corey* - excellent 1, CAC, BOB in champion class
Tollador's Caris Redshine - *Ellie* - excellent 1, CAC, BOS in champion class
♥ Tammymu became "Hungarian Show Champion - HSCH"
♥ Coreymu became "Hungarian Show Champion - HSCH"
♥ Ellie became "Hungarian Show Champion - HSCH"
30.11.2019 - Champion Show, Budapest, H - judge: Mr.Jussi Limatainen, FI
Tollador's Coral Redstone - *Corey* - 1st place, BOB, Champion of Champions in champion class
- 26-27.10.2019
26.10.2019 - CAC Halloween Dog Show Oradea, RO - judge: Vladimir Mihaljcic, SRB
Tollador's Clifford Redflame - *Tammy* - excellent 1 in open class
Tollador's Ace of Base - *Arco* - excellent 1 in champion class
Tollador's Caris Redshine - *Ellie* - excellent 1 in champion class
26.10.2019 - CACIB Halloween Dog Show Oradea, RO - judge: Cristina Epuraș, RO
Tollador's Ace of Base - *Arco* - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB in working class
Tollador's Clifford Redflame - *Tammy* - excellent 1, CAC, res.CACIB in champion class
Tollador's Caris Redshine - *Ellie* - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB in champion class
♥ Tammy accomplished all the conditions for the title "International Show Champion - C.I.E."
♥ Ellie accomplished all the conditions for the title "International Show Champion - C.I.E."
27.10.2019 - CAC Halloween Dog Show Oradea, RO - judge: Korózs András, H
Tollador's Clifford Redflame - *Tammy* - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS in champion class
Tollador's Caris Redshine - *Ellie* - excellent 1, res.CAC, res.CACIB in champion class
♥ Tammy became "Romanian Champion - R-CH"
- 05.10.2019
05.10.2019 - III.Memorial of Ondrej Špišák, KK Košická Polianka, SK
- judge: MVDr.Pavol Marton, SK
Dragonflame's Spread Your Wings - *Finnie* – passed (44/50 points), 1st place
♥ Finnie successfully passed the Companion Dog test with traffic safety BH-SK and she placed
on the 1st place
- 28.09.2019
28.09.2019 - Test BH-VT, KK Košice-Krásna, SK - judge: Štefan Szabó, SK
Tollador's Ace of Base - *Arco* – passed (55/60 points)
♥ Arco successfully passed the Companion Dog test with traffic safety BH-VT
- 06-07.07.2019
06.07.2019 - CACIB Veľká Ida, SK - judge: Víg Orsolya, H
Tollador's Clifford Redflame - *Tammy* - excellent 1, CAC, res.CACIB in open class
Tollador's Coral Redstone - *Corey* - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB in champion class
♥ Corey accomplished all the conditions for the title "International Show Champion - C.I.E."
07.07.2019 - CACIB Veľká Ida, SK - judge: Judit Beke, H
Tollador's Clifford Redflame - *Tammy* - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB in open class
Tollador's Caris Redshine - *Ellie* - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS in champion class
♥ Tammymu became "Slovak Champion - SKCH"
- 12.06.2019
We are announcing you with great pleasure that we have puppies of our Amber - D-litter.
Puppies were born on 12th of June 2019 !!
Tollador's Amber Sunrise x Annapolis Dream Arras more info
- 18.05.2019
18.05.2019 - Spring Obedience race, Košice, SK
- judge: MUDr.Karin Ďurčanská, SK
- steward: Ludevít Krampe, SK
Tollador's Caris Redshine - *Ellie* - 1st place, class OBB-A
♥ We took part in the Spring Obedience race in Košice on Saturday.
We were placed on the 1st place in official class OBB-A.
This race is unique for us, because we have organized them for already fifth year. At the same time it was even more difficult for me, cause I was main organizer of the race and I also participated as competitor in official class OBB-A. The invitation for stewarding was accepted by our successful steward Ludevít Krampe who stewarded at class OBB-OB2, we thank him very much for that! It was a successful day for many competitors, weather was nice, it was a nice sunny day. Altogether there were 13 competitors in different classes - OB Beginners-OB2, also from foreign countries - Poland and Hungary.
We'd like to congratulate all dogs and their handlers to their successes, mainly to those who passed the exam.
Ellie passed all conditions needed for becoming a brood bitch!
- 13.05.2019
We expect puppies of our Amber-D-litter in the middle of June 2019 !!
Tollador's Amber Sunrise x Annapolis Dream Arras more info
- 04-05.05.2019
04.05.2019 - CACIB Lučenec, SK - judge: Miroslav Stanovský, SK
Tollador's Clifford Redflame - *Tammy* - excellent 1, CAC, res.CACIB in open class
Tollador's Ace of Base - *Arco* - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB in champion class
Tollador's Caris Redshine - *Ellie* - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS in open class
♥ Arco accomplished all the conditions for the title "Slovak Show Champion - SKSCH"
05.05.2019 - CACIB Lučenec, SK - judge: Dr.Balogh Zsuzsanna, H
Tollador's Clifford Redflame - *Tammy* - excellent 1 in open class
Tollador's Ace of Base - *Arco* - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB in champion class
Tollador's Caris Redshine - *Ellie* - excellent 1, CAC in open class
♥ Ellie accomplished all the conditions for the title "Slovak Champion - SKCH"
- 13.04.2019
Friday, April 13th - it is the day when Finnie (Dragonflame's Spread Your Wings) was born.
- parents of Finnie - (Hummelviksgårdens Eliska x Dragonflame´s Great Red Sky)
Today she celebrates her wonderful 7th Birthday ♥.
Finnie, we wish you much health, love and joy with us ♥ ♥ ♥ .
Congratulations also to all your siblings! Thank you Sanna Pilvinen for this amazing girl ♥.
- 04.04.2019
On the 4th of April our puppies from litter "A" :
Arco, Amber, Asti and Emma celebrate their 4th Birthday!!
Parents of puppies are Paco x Finnie - (Dancing With Fire Paco del Vecchio Mulino x Dragonflame's Spread Your Wings)
We wish you much health, love and joy and lots of show and sport successes. ♥ ♥ ♥
- 01.04.2019
On the 1st of April our Atrey (Atrey Joy in motion) celebrates his wonderful
12th birthday!!
We wish you Happy Birthday, especially good health, joy and many more years into our nice moments together.
You are an amazing doggie. ♥ ♥ ♥
Happy Birthday ATREYKO!
- 24.03.2019
24.03.2019 - CAC Salgótarján, H - judge: Szabó Sándor, H
Tollador's Clifford Redflame - *Tammy* - excellent 1, CAC, BOS in open class
Tollador's Amber Sunrise - *Amber* - excellent 1, CAC in open class
Tollador's April Chase - *Emma* - excellent 1, CAC, BOB in champion class
♥ Emma fulfilled all conditions for title "Hungarian Show Champion - HSCH"
- 10.03.2019
Avrilka and Atreyko (2 seniors, siblings) together on a walk again.
Avril Lavin Joy in motion - *Avril* & Atrey Joy in motion - *Atrey*
parents: (Cloudine Queen of Hunting Ground x Attikonak Q One For Two)
On Sunday we were visiting a breeder of our Atrey and his sister Avril, too. ♥ ♥ ♥
- 08.03.2019
On the 8th of March our Yaky (Tintagelwinds Yakety Yak) celebrates his wonderful
11th birthday!!
We wish you Happy Birthday, especially good health, joy and many more years into our nice moments together.
You are an amazing doggie. ♥ ♥ ♥
Happy Birthday YAKY!
- 03.03.2019
Today we have received the results from the competition TOP Toller of year 2018 (in CZ):
TOP foreign kennel: Tollador's: - 1st place
TOP Toller Junior-male: Tammy: - 3rd place (including CZ)
TOP show Toller-male: Corey: - 3rd place (including CZ)
TOP show Toller-bitch: Ellie: - 3rd place (including CZ)
TOP show Toller-bitch: Emma: - 4th place (including CZ)
Our kennel represented 10 dogs in the TOP kennel category and their results were included in the final evaluation:
Corey, Cassie, Amber, Arco, Ruby, Emma, Flash, Ellie, Tammy, Torin.
We received 1074 points together.
Flash (owner Kristína Nováková) from our offspring (Litter C), has also been included in individually categories:
TOP Toller Junior-male: Flash: - 6th place (including CZ)
TOP hunting Toller-male: Flash: - 3rd place (including CZ)
Thanks and congratulations to all the dogs!
- 03.03.2019
On the 3rd of March our puppies from litter "C" :
Maila, Torin, Ruby, Toby, Timy, Tammy, Corey, Ellie, Flash and Cassie celebrate their 2nd Birthday!!
Parents of puppies are Roy x Finnie - (Kasomor's Roy to Cashel Vale x Dragonflame's Spread Your Wings)
We wish you much health, love and joy and lots of show and sport successes. ♥ ♥ ♥
- 25-27.01.2019
25.01.2019 - CACIB Nitra, SK - judge: Tibor Havelka, SK
Tollador's Coral Redstone - *Corey* - excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS in intermediate class
♥ Corey became "Slovak Champion - SKCH"
26.01.2019 - CACIB Nitra, SK - judge: Louis Dehaes, BE
Tollador's Caris Redshine - *Ellie* - excellent 1, CAC, res.CACIB in open class
27.01.2019 - CACIB Nitra, SK - judge: Peter Berchtold, AT
Tollador's Coral Redstone - *Corey* - excellent 1, CAC in open class
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